Heterogeneous Multi-layered Network for Modeling Complex Graph-Data

Tracking #: 855-1835


Responsible editor: 

Michael Maes

Submission Type: 

Research Paper


The present paper provides a generalized network model, namely, Heterogeneous Multi-layered Network (HMN), which can simultaneously be multi-layered and heterogeneous. We proved that the sets of all homogeneous, heterogeneous and multi-layered networks are subsets of the set of all HMNs depicting the model's generalizability. The proposed HMN is more efficient in encoding different types of nodes and edges. It is found experimentally that the HMN model when used with GNNs improve tasks such as link prediction. In addition, we present a novel parameterized algorithm (with complexity analysis) for generating synthetic HMNs. The networks generated from our proposed algorithm are more consistent in modelling the layer-wise degree distribution of a real-world Twitter network (represented as HMN) than those generated by existing models. Moreover, we also show that our algorithm is more effective in modelling an air-transportation multiplex network when compared to an algorithm designed specifically for the task. Further, we define different structural measures for HMN. Accordingly, we established the equivalency of the proposed structural measures of HMNs with that of homogeneous, heterogeneous, and multi-layered networks.



  • Reviewed

Data repository URLs: 

Date of Submission: 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Date of Decision: 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Nanopublication URLs:



Solicited Reviews:

1 Comment

meta-review by editor

We have received two very detailed reviews. The first reviewer is positive but indicated a low confidence. The comments are pointing to unclear text sections and missing information. The second reviewer raises serveral fundamental concerns that require much attention. I advice you to address these points in great detail.

Michael Maes (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9416-3211)