Estimating Reaction Barriers with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Tracking #: 878-1858


Responsible editor: 

Richard Mann

Submission Type: 

Research Paper


Stable states in complex systems correspond to local minima on the associated potential energy surface. Transitions between these local minima govern the dynamics of such systems. Precisely determining the transition pathways in complex and high-dimensional systems is challenging because these transitions are rare events, and isolating the relevant species in experiments is difficult. Most of the time, the system remains near a local minimum, with rare, large fluctuations leading to transitions between minima. The probability of such transitions decreases exponentially with the height of the energy barrier, making the system's dynamics highly sensitive to the calculated energy barriers. This work aims to formulate the problem of finding the minimum energy barrier between two stable states in the system's state space as a cost-minimization problem. It is proposed to solve this problem using reinforcement learning algorithms. The exploratory nature of reinforcement learning agents enables efficient sampling and determination of the minimum energy barrier for transitions.


Previous Version: 


  • Reviewed

Data repository URLs: 

GitHub repository for the code:

.ipynb file for figures:

Zenodo repository for trajectories and plot data: Pal, A. (2024). Supporting Data for the submission Estimating Reaction Barriers using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Zenodo.

Date of Submission: 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Date of Decision: 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Nanopublication URLs:



Solicited Reviews:

1 Comment

meta-review by editor

Both reviewers agree that the revised manuscript is substatially improved from the initial submission. From these reviews and my reading of the author response to the initial reviews I am happy to accept the manuscript for publication, subject to one remaining minor revision. Please include in the manuscript itself an overview of the effect of varying the scaling parameter lambda; as mentioned here by reviewer #2 this belongs in the manuscript as well as the response to reviewers. I invite you also to consider addressing the remaining comment by reviewer #1 regarding presenting the result of applying the algorithm to other Müller-Brown surfaces. Please add results as suggested if this can be done straightforwardly and if you agree that it would improve the paper, but my recommendation of acceptance does not depend on this.

Richard Mann (