Enhancing Tabular Data Analysis for Classification of Airline Passenger Satisfaction using TabNet Deep Neural Network

Tracking #: 801-1781

Mohamed LAZAARORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0812-2574

Submission Type: 

Research Paper


In an era of ever-growing air travel, understanding and enhancing passenger satisfaction are pivotal to the success of airlines and the overall passenger experience. Analyzing airline passenger satisfaction using tabular data can pose various challenges, both when employing classical statistical methods and when leveraging machine learning and deep learning techniques. On the one hand statistical approaches pose various challenges including limited feature engineering techniques, the assumption of linearity of the data sets and limited predictive power, etc. On the other hand, using machine learning and deep learning techniques, we may face other challenges such us the problem of overfitting, difficulties of interpreting data and results, requirements of intensive resources specially using deep learning qnd the probleme of generalization if we deploy machine learning based approaches. This paper presents a novel deep learning approach utilizing TabNet, a specialized neural network architecture for tabular data, to classify airline passenger satisfaction. Leveraging a comprehensive dataset comprising various passenger-related attributes, including flight details, service quality, and demographic information, our TabNet-based model demonstrates exceptional performance in distinguishing between satisfied and dissatisfied passengers. Our model’s robustness in handling tabular data, underscores its power as a valuable tool for the aviation industry. Comparing out results to recent papers show that out model outperforms these studies in terms of accuracy, precision, recall and AUC. The results show that our TabNet Network model outperforms all implemented machine learning models by reaching respectively the following results :96.47%, 96.41% and 96.24% for accuracy, F1-score and G-mean score.



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Date of Submission: 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Date of Decision: 

Friday, March 8, 2024

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